Shore Shot Pistol Range would ask that you take a moment to read our policies and feel free to ask us if something isn’t clear. We strive to be the best so keeping our customers educated and in the loop is just one way we can work towards that goal.
Firearm Rental Policy – Effective 4/21/2013
Effective April 21, 2013 Shore Shot will no longer rent firearms to any “single” shooter. All rentals must have at least two people.
Firearms Storage Policy – Dated 2/14/2012
In the past, Shore Shot Pistol Range would allow its members to purchase their firearms prior to the permits being issued and we would store them on site. The cost of storage, until permits were issued, was $10 per month. Any firearms that have been in storage prior to January 1, 2009 will be treated as abandoned property in compliance with New Jersey Statute Title 2A:44-187 and will be sold in 30 days unless the owner of the abandoned property pays the back storage fees and has a valid NJFID and/or Pistol Purchaser’s Permit to remove the said property from the premises. Shore Shot Pistol Range has made numerous attempts at contacting the owners of these firearms with little to no success. Although we would love to accommodate our members with this service, it is no longer feasible due to the increase in inventory, limited storage space, State Police Regulations and the liability issues it presents for both parties. If you have a firearm in storage at SSPR and it was purchased prior to January 1, 2011, please contact the range immediately to arrange storage fee payment and pickup.
Transfer Policy – Dated 10/13/2023
All transfers that are not NJ legal must be “New” and never left the FFL bubble. This means that . Due to changes in the ATF’s rules, we no longer accept used non legal firearms. Any firearm that is not NJ legal and unable to be converted or is banned by name, will be returned to the shipper. The customer that had plans on transferring this firearm will have to pay the transfer fee and shipping. All transfers must have paperwork initiated within two weeks from receiving, after two weeks you will receive a $10 storage fee and every month thereafter. Customers agree to all compliance work and its charges when having a FFL send a non compliant firearm for transfer. If you have questions on the possible charges for gunsmithing, it is your responsibility to contact us prior to having another dealer send us the firearm.
Firearm Returns prior to taking possession – Dated 10/13/2023
All sales are final. In certain situations, Shore Shot will return firearms that have not been transferred. Shore Shot charges $75 restocking in these instances.
Zero Tolerance Marijiuana Policy – Dated 10/13/2023
Shore Shot reserves the right to deny anyone/or party we suspect to be under the influence.
This includes anyone that acts, looks or smells like they could possibly be under the influence.
Range Rules
Shore Shot Pistol Range is very serious about safety and security for all of our members and guests. We ask that you please take a moment to review the rules and feel free to call us if you have any questions.
- All firearms must be unloaded and cased when entering or exiting the range.
- Shore Shot Pistol Range DOES NOT allow (Aluminum or Steel Cased) ammunition on the range. We have also restricted the use of all High Powered Rifle ammunition with muzzle velocity exceeding 3,000 FPS. All STEEL CORE Ammunition is restricted. Anyone found shooting the restricted ammunition will be asked to leave.
- Load and handle firearms in the booth only.
- We do not allow rapid firing at our facility. If you are running drills that require rapid firing, you must receive permission from our range staff.
- The muzzle of the firearm must always be pointed down range, this means towards the back stop.
- Eye and ear protection must be worn at all times. We recommend both earplugs and ear muffs when shooting on the range. We rent eye and ear protection if you do not have them.
- Shooters should dress appropriately. Women should avoid low cut tops as hot shell casings may enter the area causing minor burns.
- We only allow customers to use outside the waistband holsters. All holster drawing must be pre approved by a Range Safety Officer.
- If you are a concealed carry holder please advise us on entering the facility.
- Minors on the range must have an adult within arms reach.
- The call “CEASE FIRE” means STOP SHOOTING IMMEDIATELY. Unload, Clear and Lock the Firearm/s. Step away from the shooting area. DO NOT step into the shooting area until the Range Safety Officer states the line has been cleared and shooting may resume.
- Please place used targets and empty ammo boxes in the trash.
- DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK a member of our staff if you encounter ANY problems with a rental firearm or your own. Please report any unsafe conduct you observe immediately to the Range Safety Officer.
- If you have had ANY Alcoholic Beverages or have used any Controlled Substances including Marijuana you are breaking the law by entering the range. DO NOT enter the range under the influence. We want the range to remain a safe and friendly environment.